
<b><font color="#1B609B">Zmiana czasu w UTP-10</font></b>

Zmiana czasu w UTP-10

Przypominamy iż w związku ze zmianą czasu na letni, należy sprawdzić i ewentualnie ustawić prawidłowy czas w testerze UTP-10.
<b><font color="#1B609B">MATTNX system awarded with Gold Medal on TTM 2020</font></b>

MATTNX system awarded with Gold Medal on TTM 2020

We are pleased to inform that the our MATTNX UTP Universal Tachograph Tester and Programmer has been awarded with the Gold Medal of the MTP fair.
<b><font color="#1B609B">First calibration of 1C tachograph</font></b>

First calibration of 1C tachograph

Today in our branch in Komorniki we have performed the first full calibration of the DTCO 4.0 factory tachograph, together with the DSRC and GNSS module test, using NX system of our production.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Hungarian controlling authorities choose MATT equipment</font></b>

Hungarian controlling authorities choose MATT equipment

We are proud to announce that our equipment has been appreciated by the control services also abroad.
<b><font color="#1B609B">MATT equipment in Polish controlling authorities</font></b>

MATT equipment in Polish controlling authorities

We are pleased to inform that MATT has provided equipment for Polish controlling authorities.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Technical information: UTP-10 and DTCO 3.0</font></b>

Technical information: UTP-10 and DTCO 3.0

The UTP-10 v5.77.00 and higher allows calibration of the DTCO 3.0
<b><font color="#1B609B">UTP-10 system and DTCO 3.0</font></b>

UTP-10 system and DTCO 3.0

In connection with information about new versions of tachographs that enter the market, we would like to once again dispel your doubts