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<b><font color="#1B609B">Szkolenie podstawowe z tachografów cyfrowych 29-31.07</font></b>

Szkolenie podstawowe z tachografów cyfrowych 29-31.07

Uprzejmie informujemy, iż organizujemy szkolenie podstawowe z tachografów cyfrowych przygotowujące kandydatów na techników warsztatu do egzaminu przeprowadzanego przez Główny Urząd Miar. Termin szkolenia: 29-31.07.2024.
<b><font color="#1B609B">TD Configurator & TachoDriveNX PRO</font></b>

TD Configurator & TachoDriveNX PRO

A new version of the TD Configurator application is available: as well as firmware for TachoDriveNX devices supporting the PRO version.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Komorniki branch - opening hours</font></b>

Komorniki branch - opening hours

We would like to inform you that the opening hours of our branch in Komorniki change during the holiday season.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Periodic training in analogue and digital tachographs 18.06</font></b>

Periodic training in analogue and digital tachographs 18.06

Periodic training in analogue and digital tachographs on 18th of June.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Zaświadczenie o niekaralności - GUM przypomina</font></b>

Zaświadczenie o niekaralności - GUM przypomina

W ostatnich dniach otrzymaliśmy pismo od Głównego Urzędu Miar przypominające o konieczności przesyłania oświadczenia o niekaralności przez techników warsztatów.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Reminder - seals suspended on a wire</font></b>

Reminder - seals suspended on a wire

Please be reminded that in the case of seals suspended on a wire, the workshop seal mark should be applied on both sides of the seal.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Periodic training in analogue and digital tachographs 09.05</font></b>

Periodic training in analogue and digital tachographs 09.05

Periodic training in analogue and digital tachographs on 9th of May.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Firmware/maps updates in VDO tachographs - Good news for independent workshops!</font></b>

Firmware/maps updates in VDO tachographs - Good news for independent workshops!

VDO has posted a position on its website regarding the update of smart tachographs version 2.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Easter 2024</font></b>

Easter 2024

We wish Everyone a healthy, prosperous and peaceful Easter.
<b><font color="#1B609B">On March 20, 2024, the KOMORNIKI branch will be closed</font></b>

On March 20, 2024, the KOMORNIKI branch will be closed

Due to the Farmers' Protest, the Komorniki branch will be closed on March 20, 2024.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Periodic training - 28.03.2024</font></b>

Periodic training - 28.03.2024

We kindly inform you that on March 28, 2024 we are organizing periodic training in digital and analog tachographs.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Basic training in digital tachographs 13-15.03</font></b>

Basic training in digital tachographs 13-15.03

We kindly inform you that we organize basic training in digital tachographs to prepare candidates for workshop technicians for the examination conducted by the Central Office of Measures. Training date: March 13-15, 2024.
<b><font color="#1B609B">The Road Transport Inspectorate reminds you to replace tachographs</font></b>

The Road Transport Inspectorate reminds you to replace tachographs

The Road Transport Inspectorate reminds that by the end of 2024, vehicles used in international road transport must be equipped with intelligent tachographs of the second version.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Service Pack 2 for TACHOMATT Yellow v5</font></b>

Service Pack 2 for TACHOMATT Yellow v5

Service Pack 2 for TACHOMATT Yellow 5.0 is now available.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Changes in opening hours at OSKP in Komorniki on February 22</font></b>

Changes in opening hours at OSKP in Komorniki on February 22

We would like to inform that the Vehicle Inspection Station in Komorniki will be open from 11.30 on February 22, 2024.
<b><font color="#1B609B">The winner of the competition has been selected!</font></b>

The winner of the competition has been selected!

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the competition for the oldest UTP-10 in service was the TAXITRONIK, company located in Gdańsk, Poland.
<b><font color="#1B609B">DTCO 4.1 and error 25</font></b>

DTCO 4.1 and error 25

Due to numerous inquiries from our customers regarding error 25 in the DTCO 4.1 tachograph, we are providing the link the information provided by the manufacturer.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Service Pack 1 for TACHOMATT Yellow v5</font></b>

Service Pack 1 for TACHOMATT Yellow v5

Today we have released the SP1 for TACHOMATT Yellow 5.0.
<b><font color="#1B609B">TachoDrive4 with G2v2 support</font></b>

TachoDrive4 with G2v2 support

New firmware 3.01 for TachoDrive 4 with support for G2v2 tachographs and cards is now available!
<b><font color="#1B609B">TachoDrive4 support for G2v2 tachograph coming soon!</font></b>

TachoDrive4 support for G2v2 tachograph coming soon!

The long-awaited TachoDrive4 update for G2v2 tachographs is coming soon.
<b><font color="#1B609B">TACHOMATT Yellow v5</font></b>


From today, that is from 2023-09-13, TACHOMATT Yellow 5.0 is available.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Firmware 2.11 dla TachoDrive5 HW 1.70</font></b>

Firmware 2.11 dla TachoDrive5 HW 1.70

Udostępnilismy nową wersję firmware 2.11 dla TachoDrive 5.6 (HW 1.70).
<b><font color="#1B609B">End of roundabout construction in Komorniki</font></b>

End of roundabout construction in Komorniki

We would like to inform you that the construction of the roundabout at the intersection of Daimlera and Matowa streets has been completed and therefore access to our branch in Komorniki is no problem.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Firmware 2.06 for TachoDrive5 HW 1.30</font></b>

Firmware 2.06 for TachoDrive5 HW 1.30

We have released a new firmware version for TachoDrive5 (HW1.30) version 2.06.