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<b><font color="#1B609B">Szkolenie podstawowe dla techników warsztatu - tachografy cyfrowe</font></b>

Szkolenie podstawowe dla techników warsztatu - tachografy cyfrowe

Informujemy, iż w dniach: 4-6.09.2019 organizujemy szkolenie podstawowe z zakresu instalacji, sprawdzania, przeglądów i napraw, tachografów cyfrowych.
<b><font color="#1B609B">New firmware for TachoDrive5</font></b>

New firmware for TachoDrive5

We have provided a new firmware version for TachoDrive5 devices.
<b><font color="#1B609B">TD Configurator v6</font></b>

TD Configurator v6

Along with the firmware update for TachoDrive devices, there is also a new version of the TD Configurator application, numbered
<b><font color="#1B609B">TachoDrive ONE - 2.01 firmware supporting intelligent tachographs</font></b>

TachoDrive ONE - 2.01 firmware supporting intelligent tachographs

As of today, a new firmware version is available for the TachoDrive ONE device, marked with the number 2.01.
<b><font color="#1B609B">New firmware for TachoDrive5 - support for smart tachographs</font></b>

New firmware for TachoDrive5 - support for smart tachographs

The latest firmware version is labeled 1.42
<b><font color="#1B609B">NEW - support of air conditioning systems with R1234YF factor</font></b>

NEW - support of air conditioning systems with R1234YF factor

Our service in Kościan has been equipped with a KONFORT 707R device by TEXA, which ensures maximum efficiency and convenience of automatic operation of air conditioning systems for R1234yf.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Rozporządzenie w sprawie wysokości opłat</font></b>

Rozporządzenie w sprawie wysokości opłat

W dniu 25.04.2019 opublikowano ROZPORZĄDZENIE MINISTRA PRZEDSIĘBIORCZOŚCI I TECHNOLOGII z dnia 12 kwietnia 2019 r. w sprawie wysokości opłat za czynności organów administracji miar związane z tachografami.
<b><font color="#1B609B">First calibration of 1C tachograph</font></b>

First calibration of 1C tachograph

Today in our branch in Komorniki we have performed the first full calibration of the DTCO 4.0 factory tachograph, together with the DSRC and GNSS module test, using NX system of our production.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Regulation on the exam</font></b>

Regulation on the exam

On 01/04/2019, the REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND TECHNOLOGY of March 22, 2019 was published regarding the exam in the field of checking and reviewing analogue or digital tachographs.  
<b><font color="#1B609B">Basic training for veterans: analogue tachographs</font></b>

Basic training for veterans: analogue tachographs

On 28-29.03 we organize a basic training in the field of analogue tachographs for veterans.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Firmware 1.32 for TachoDrive5</font></b>

Firmware 1.32 for TachoDrive5

The firmware version 1.31 is now available for TachoDrive5.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Serwis tachografów analogowych i karta kierowcy: Stanowisko GUM</font></b>

Serwis tachografów analogowych i karta kierowcy: Stanowisko GUM

Główny Urząd Miar zamieścił na stronie komunikat w związku z wejściem w życie przepisów ustawy z dnia 5 lipca 2018 r. o tachografach dotyczące warsztatów tachografów analogowych, prowadzonych przez podmioty wykonujące transport drogowy.
<b><font color="#1B609B">MATT is officially a training entity</font></b>

MATT is officially a training entity

On December 31, we received the certificate No. 2/2018 from the Central Office of Measures confirming the fulfillment of the requirements for basic and periodic training specified in the Act of 5 July 2018 on tachographs.  
<b><font color="#1B609B">Toll-Collect: New weight classes</font></b>

Toll-Collect: New weight classes

From 1 January 2019 weight class must be entered on the Toll-Collect On-Board Unit.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Permits issued after January the 1st 2019</font></b>

Permits issued after January the 1st 2019

The Central Office of Measures has published on its website information about permits to operate in the field of installation, testing, inspections or repairs of tachographs issued after January 1, 2019.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Hungarian controlling authorities choose MATT equipment</font></b>

Hungarian controlling authorities choose MATT equipment

We are proud to announce that our equipment has been appreciated by the control services also abroad.
<b><font color="#1B609B">MATT equipment in Polish controlling authorities</font></b>

MATT equipment in Polish controlling authorities

We are pleased to inform that MATT has provided equipment for Polish controlling authorities.
<b><font color="#1B609B">TWOJE ŚWIATŁA - TWOJE BEZPIECZEŃSTWO</font></b>


As every year, we participate in the Polish action organized by the Traffic Office of the Police Headquarters "YOUR LIGHTS - YOUR SAFETY" in our vehicle inspection stations.
<b><font color="#1B609B">SP7 do TACHOMATT Yellow 3.2</font></b>

SP7 do TACHOMATT Yellow 3.2

The Service Pack 7 has been released for TACHOMATT Yellow 3.2
<b><font color="#1B609B">The new tachographs regulation has been published</font></b>

The new tachographs regulation has been published

From September 3, 2018, new regulations regarding tachographs are in force, i.e. a new law on tachographs and 2 executive regulations: on training for workshop technicians and on additional tachograph tests and leading to its proper functioning.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Publication of the Tachograph Regulation</font></b>

Publication of the Tachograph Regulation

The Tachographs Regulation was published on August 3, 2018.
<b><font color="#1B609B">New firmware version for TachoDrive4 & 5</font></b>

New firmware version for TachoDrive4 & 5

The firmware is marked with 2.81 for TachoDrive4 and 1.20 for TachoDrive5 respectively.
<b><font color="#1B609B">The Tachograph Act: draft of executive acts</font></b>

The Tachograph Act: draft of executive acts

The Government Legislation Center has published two draft ordinances - executive acts to the Tachograph Act.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Processing orders</font></b>

Processing orders

During the vacation period orders placed after 15:00 will be processed the next working day