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<b><font color="#1B609B">Firmware 2.03 for TachoDrive5</font></b>

Firmware 2.03 for TachoDrive5

Critical update for TachoDrive5 devices (hardware version HW 1.60 and 1.70) - install to properly download data from G2v2 tachographs.
<b><font color="#1B609B">TD Configurator & TachoDrive ONE</font></b>

TD Configurator & TachoDrive ONE

The latest version of the TD Configurator application and firmware for TachoDrive ONE are already available on our servers.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Firmware 2.02 for TachoDrive5</font></b>

Firmware 2.02 for TachoDrive5

We have released a new firmware version for TachoDrive5 devices (HW 1.60 & 1.70) marked 2.02.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Galileo ready no sooner than 2 years?</font></b>

Galileo ready no sooner than 2 years?

During the last meeting of the CORTE group, which took place on June 15 in Brussels, information on the second generation (G2v2) smart tachographs was announced.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Entrance gate in Komorniki-Poznań</font></b>

Entrance gate in Komorniki-Poznań

We would like to inform you that in our branch in Komorniki-Poznań, it is already possible to enter the main gate to the MATT company from Daimler Street (opposite the MB Poznań service station).
<b><font color="#1B609B">We are extending the working time in our branches</font></b>

We are extending the working time in our branches

We would like to inform you that from today we are extending working hours in our branches.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Easter 2023</font></b>

Easter 2023

We wish Everyone a healthy, prosperous and peaceful Easter.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Zmiana czasu w UTP-10</font></b>

Zmiana czasu w UTP-10

Przypominamy iż w związku ze zmianą czasu na letni, należy sprawdzić i ewentualnie ustawić prawidłowy czas w testerze UTP-10.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Service Pack 9 dla TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2</font></b>

Service Pack 9 dla TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2

Dostępny jest dodatek SP9 dla TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Komorniki: change of traffic organization</font></b>

Komorniki: change of traffic organization

As of January 30, 2023 (Monday), it is planned to change the traffic organization on G. Daimler Street from Platynowa to the intersection of Fabianowska/Matowa Str. in Komorniki.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Komorniki branch: alternative access </font></b>

Komorniki branch: alternative access

As a result of traffic difficulties on Daimlera Street, we suggest an alternative access to the MATT company in our branch in Komorniki from Matowa street.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Helpline</font></b>


Our helpline will be closed on November 4. We apologize for inconveniences.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Komorniki - traffic disruptions</font></b>

Komorniki - traffic disruptions

We would like to inform you about possible traffic difficulties caused by the reconstruction of Gottlieb Daimler Street in Komorniki, on the section from Poznańska to Zloty Street. 
<b><font color="#1B609B">Service Pack 7 for TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2</font></b>

Service Pack 7 for TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2

Today we have released Service Pack 7 for TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2
<b><font color="#1B609B">Service Pack 6 for TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2</font></b>

Service Pack 6 for TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2

The introduced changes apply only to the Polish-language version of the program and the Settlements module
<b><font color="#1B609B">End of support for TachoDrive2 & TachoDrive3 on 30.06.2022</font></b>

End of support for TachoDrive2 & TachoDrive3 on 30.06.2022

We would like to remind you that the support for TachoDrive2 and TachoDrive3 devices will end on 30.06.2022.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Service Pack 5 for TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2</font></b>

Service Pack 5 for TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2

The new Service Pack mainly introduces new changes to the Delegations module.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Service Pack 4 for TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2</font></b>

Service Pack 4 for TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2

In the new version of the program, numerous changes have been introduced in the Timesheet Module.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Extended lead times</font></b>

Extended lead times

Due to the lengthening supply chain of components for production, we are forced to extend the lead times for some of our products.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Temporary derogations from the application of the driving time rules</font></b>

Temporary derogations from the application of the driving time rules

Poland, acting pursuant to Art. 14 sec. 2 of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 decided to introduce temporary derogations from the application of the provisions of Art. 6 sec. 1-3, art. 7 and art. 8 sec. 8 above regulations on driving times, breaks and rest periods for drivers.
<b><font color="#1B609B">TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2</font></b>

TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2

A new version of TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2 has been released
<b><font color="#1B609B">Seals 1C T from today</font></b>

Seals 1C T from today

We would like to remind you that from today only the seals with the new certificate marked with the letter "T" are valid.
<b><font color="#1B609B">1C seals</font></b>

1C seals

In connection with the entry into force of the new certificates (EN 16882) for 1C seals, the principle of their use is going to change.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Technical support for TachoDrive2 and TachoDrive3 until 30.06.2022</font></b>

Technical support for TachoDrive2 and TachoDrive3 until 30.06.2022

After 7 years from the end of production, due to the lack of availability of some components on the market, we are forced to end technical support for TachoDrive2 and TachoDrive3 devices.