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<b><font color="#1B609B">DTCO 4.1 and error 25</font></b>

DTCO 4.1 and error 25

Due to numerous inquiries from our customers regarding error 25 in the DTCO 4.1 tachograph, we are providing the link the information provided by the manufacturer.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Service Pack 1 for TACHOMATT Yellow v5</font></b>

Service Pack 1 for TACHOMATT Yellow v5

Today we have released the SP1 for TACHOMATT Yellow 5.0.
<b><font color="#1B609B">TachoDrive4 with G2v2 support</font></b>

TachoDrive4 with G2v2 support

New firmware 3.01 for TachoDrive 4 with support for G2v2 tachographs and cards is now available!
<b><font color="#1B609B">TachoDrive4 support for G2v2 tachograph coming soon!</font></b>

TachoDrive4 support for G2v2 tachograph coming soon!

The long-awaited TachoDrive4 update for G2v2 tachographs is coming soon.
<b><font color="#1B609B">TACHOMATT Yellow v5</font></b>


From today, that is from 2023-09-13, TACHOMATT Yellow 5.0 is available.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Firmware 2.11 dla TachoDrive5 HW 1.70</font></b>

Firmware 2.11 dla TachoDrive5 HW 1.70

Udostępnilismy nową wersję firmware 2.11 dla TachoDrive 5.6 (HW 1.70).
<b><font color="#1B609B">End of roundabout construction in Komorniki</font></b>

End of roundabout construction in Komorniki

We would like to inform you that the construction of the roundabout at the intersection of Daimlera and Matowa streets has been completed and therefore access to our branch in Komorniki is no problem.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Firmware 2.06 for TachoDrive5 HW 1.30</font></b>

Firmware 2.06 for TachoDrive5 HW 1.30

We have released a new firmware version for TachoDrive5 (HW1.30) version 2.06.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Firmware 2.03 for TachoDrive5</font></b>

Firmware 2.03 for TachoDrive5

Critical update for TachoDrive5 devices (hardware version HW 1.60 and 1.70) - install to properly download data from G2v2 tachographs.
<b><font color="#1B609B">TD Configurator & TachoDrive ONE</font></b>

TD Configurator & TachoDrive ONE

The latest version of the TD Configurator application and firmware for TachoDrive ONE are already available on our servers.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Firmware 2.02 for TachoDrive5</font></b>

Firmware 2.02 for TachoDrive5

We have released a new firmware version for TachoDrive5 devices (HW 1.60 & 1.70) marked 2.02.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Galileo ready no sooner than 2 years?</font></b>

Galileo ready no sooner than 2 years?

During the last meeting of the CORTE group, which took place on June 15 in Brussels, information on the second generation (G2v2) smart tachographs was announced.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Entrance gate in Komorniki-Poznań</font></b>

Entrance gate in Komorniki-Poznań

We would like to inform you that in our branch in Komorniki-Poznań, it is already possible to enter the main gate to the MATT company from Daimler Street (opposite the MB Poznań service station).
<b><font color="#1B609B">We are extending the working time in our branches</font></b>

We are extending the working time in our branches

We would like to inform you that from today we are extending working hours in our branches.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Easter 2023</font></b>

Easter 2023

We wish Everyone a healthy, prosperous and peaceful Easter.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Zmiana czasu w UTP-10</font></b>

Zmiana czasu w UTP-10

Przypominamy iż w związku ze zmianą czasu na letni, należy sprawdzić i ewentualnie ustawić prawidłowy czas w testerze UTP-10.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Service Pack 9 dla TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2</font></b>

Service Pack 9 dla TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2

Dostępny jest dodatek SP9 dla TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Komorniki: change of traffic organization</font></b>

Komorniki: change of traffic organization

As of January 30, 2023 (Monday), it is planned to change the traffic organization on G. Daimler Street from Platynowa to the intersection of Fabianowska/Matowa Str. in Komorniki.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Komorniki branch: alternative access </font></b>

Komorniki branch: alternative access

As a result of traffic difficulties on Daimlera Street, we suggest an alternative access to the MATT company in our branch in Komorniki from Matowa street.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Helpline</font></b>


Our helpline will be closed on November 4. We apologize for inconveniences.
<b><font color="#1B609B">Komorniki - traffic disruptions</font></b>

Komorniki - traffic disruptions

We would like to inform you about possible traffic difficulties caused by the reconstruction of Gottlieb Daimler Street in Komorniki, on the section from Poznańska to Zloty Street. 
<b><font color="#1B609B">Service Pack 7 for TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2</font></b>

Service Pack 7 for TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2

Today we have released Service Pack 7 for TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2
<b><font color="#1B609B">Service Pack 6 for TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2</font></b>

Service Pack 6 for TACHOMATT Yellow 4.2

The introduced changes apply only to the Polish-language version of the program and the Settlements module
<b><font color="#1B609B">End of support for TachoDrive2 & TachoDrive3 on 30.06.2022</font></b>

End of support for TachoDrive2 & TachoDrive3 on 30.06.2022

We would like to remind you that the support for TachoDrive2 and TachoDrive3 devices will end on 30.06.2022.